This software is a portable tool for free remote visualization – you do not need to install it. Why? Because these kind of software is to use in time scheduled batch file processing too. In one instance it helps to upload all archive data (alarms, recipes, trends, DBs) and converts it into csv-format. As part of a batch process e.g. each Sunday morning including saving at the remote PC. But the main instannce is to work as remote visualization like a 2nd panel on your PC to give you the chance to visualize and to control your application remote by an Ethernet-connection. No need to edit your S7-PLC-program – the RemoteStage contains a driver for S7-communication as active Put/Get-partner. Because of this software is multiinstancable you may built up a master display, containing several RemoteStages with each displaying another PLC as remote panel in your PC-monitor.
RemoteStage | Software tool for remote access |
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